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Re: ::scr A PC user speaks ...

It would appear that on Wed, 27 Mar 2002, Simon Wistow did say:

> Job's NeXT Kool Aid and his refusal to accept that NeXT IS DEAD

well, Jobs isn't exactly one to drop an idea that he likes. cf: another 
cube shaped computer and one that looks like Pixar's cute Flexo Jr. (or is 
it Luxo - gneh... whatever..)

> Why more manufacturers don't do what Dell (?) have started doing and
> putting both nipple and a track pad on I'll never know

heh, well, I actually met the member of SJFD[1] that was responsible for 
asking one of his buddies, a designer/engineer at Dell, to do this...

> I can count the number of times I've run X apps over the network on the
> fingers of one very large, mutant hand. 

I frequently run things from home while connected via ssh... and exporting 
my DISPLAY back to home and running xeyes while Vicki is logged in is just 
too funny :)

[1] yes, that *is* San Jose Fire Department

 . johnmc@ | hyperattractive.net - +1-408-985-7992 (home) .
 . http:// | johnmc.org          - +1-408-386-3549 (cell) .
 .  not vicious or malicious - just lovely and delicious  .