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Re: ::scr doesn't have the morlocks

>>>>> "Simon" == Simon Wistow <simon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Simon> For those of you who haven't read The Time Machine - the Eloi
    Simon> were beautiful creatures who lived above ground and basically
    Simon> had a grand old time whilst the Morlocks were ugly and lived
    Simon> below ground in mines and worked hard. 

Neal Stephenson uses the Eloi/Morlock analogy in _In The Beginning Was
The Command Line_, talking about how the geeks (Morlocks) run computer
systems; and on some level the world.  He was talking about operating
systems, though, and how Windows is only popular because it's used by
the Eloi and there are lots of them.

Read the book, anyway, it's good.

- Chris.
$a="printf.net"; Chris Ball | chris@void.$a | www.$a | finger: chris@$a
As to luck, there's the old miners' proverb: Gold is where you find it.