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Re: ::scr Other jobs, was Re: ::scr tales from the crypto

> For a while I thought of being a teacher, probably of Latin. I still like
> the idea but not enough to make a career of it. Ditto writing/journalism,
> but again I'm not sure about doing it for a career -- mainly because, in
> that case, I've done it a little and I know how much editors can suck.

yeah, i would probably be a teacher, teaching english or philosophy. i
would probably still be an academic if i hadn't bought my first computer
as a postgrad and become haplessly, helplessly distracted by it. 
or else i'd be the bastard editor from hell :)

but who has to stick? it seems quite possible to have a totally different
career for each decade or half-decade of your life. i met a very cool
woman recently who had been a corporate manager, a teacher, now a
magistrate; i know a chap who did a physics PhD, sold organic vegetables
for ten years, got into the nu meeja industry of the back of hacking he
did for the veg company. it could be as easy as learning a new computer
language for any of us. 

people don't trust people, but maybe there is more hope for breaking the
cv barrier, i would like to think so...
