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Re: ::scr Paying for It

On Thu, May 02, 2002 at 12:33:05PM +0100, Simon Wistow wrote:
> But both of thoses method prevent me from searching out new material -
> if everything's behind passworded portals then I'm not going to be able
> to search for it.

What is to prevent a search engine showing hits for search terms, along with
an abstract of the content, but then require that you have credit on your account
to pay for the actual content.

Yahoo! provide a news portal that works in a similar way to this for the financial
news wires. [1]

At the end of the day, I think that it comes down to clever content management [2].
If you mark-up content with clever meta-data [3] and use it when passing content
around between syndicated sites, search engines, etc then you can take suitable
action to control what can be done with the content.  And that includes charging
for it.

[1] http://premium.search.yahoo.com/search/premium?p=content+management&hc=&hs=
[2] Of course, that's how I make my living, so I would say that.
[3] http://www.dublincore.org/

Dave Turner

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