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Re: ::scr Seti@Home & Global Warming

on 17/5/02 12:11 pm, Dave Turner at scr@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> There's always the scale of this to consider as well.  Over 3m machines,
> that's got to be a pretty hefty power consumption.

You've got to bear in mind what the machines are doing as well when you're
working out the worth or utility of these distributed processing
projects. You might think that SETI@home is a daft x-files pipe dream, but
what about the various "cancerbuster" projects that use the same
technology. Surely the teeny winnit of extra power used is worth it for
such a worthy cause?

Why is it that many netizens seem to focus so hard on the economic aspects
of any issue and seemingly ignore the social ones ... ?

Matt: "Jesus, Kurt Russel's been in some rum old stuff!"
Cresley: "What, Goldie Hawn?"