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Re: ::scr removing the wuh-wuh-wuh

On 20 May 02, Simon Wistow wrote:
> "Removing the Ws from URLs"
> http://webword.com/moving/wwwremoval.html

As an internet old-fogey, the attitude that the web is the net annoys
me no end; a domain doesn't need an address record at all, and may
well have one for some other good reason.

What's really needed is a generalization of the MX record concept, so
the browser can find ask "what's the address I should talk to to get
http service for domain example.com?".

Like, say, SRV -- rfc 2052 & 2782.  It's only 5 1/2 years old now (2
years as a proposed standard, experimental before that) -- maybe
someone will implement it soon.  That accomplishes the desired goal
without locking http in as the preferred default protocol for ever and
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