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Re: ::scr Cross Polination

On Mon, Aug 05, 2002 at 06:41:27AM +0100, Simon Wistow wrote:
> It's also nice to hear both points of view sometimes. Take CCTVs ...
> plenty of people think that they're part of continuous movement to erode
> our rights and our privacy whereas, I suspect, people like John Q
> Average Policeman think that that's a fair price to pay for protecting
> the streets

I have a simple proposal - require all public CCTV installations
to make their video feed available in the public domain.  

I suspect people would fear CCTV less if they could go to a web site
or digital TV channel and see what the police are seeing.  The nosy 
neighbours would love it - they could play neighbourhood watch from 
their own armchair.  No doubt there would also be a cult following.
After all, if people can get obsessed about watching boring people 
do boring things on Big Brother then I'm sure they'll spend hours 
watching their local shopping precint.  And of course, you would get
people playing up for the camera, plenty of exposed tits and arses
(worth keeping the video on all day, just in case :-), and other 
tom foolery.