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::scr Delegation

> > So, what should I care about. Why? What should I read?
> do you really need to be spoonfed?
> why do you want to be told what to care about?

(Sorry but I find this much more interesting than the Semantic Web thread.
I mean yeah, sure we're gonna a) see more meta data, and b) get better at
writing applications that can imply context and meaning from content.  Cool)

The answer is yes, we really do need to be spoonfed, and told what to care

I delegate cooking my veg to my electric steamer because it's far more
suited to the task than I am.  I delegate watching TV to my Tivo because it
seems to be far more interested in most of the tv shows than I am.

So why's it so bad to delegate campaigning and caring about stuff to the
people that actually give a shit?  If we're not spoonfed an executive
summary how can we tell if this semantic web thingy is something we are
interested in getting more deeply involved in?