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Re: insidious biometrics, identity crises

Elaine -HFB- Ashton wrote:
Finland also is rather rabid about checking IDs when using any form of
credit or bank card, something which has impressed me tremendously since
it was /exceedingly/ rare in the US or the UK. I don't have any
statistics, but I would guess that such kinds of fraud are pretty unusual
here because of that.

Yes, same here. I must say that that is one of the top reasons why I am not frontally opposed to the principle of ID cards. I was fairly appalled at how trivial it is to get a credit card in the US -- replacing the SSN with a TIN (Tax ID Number, which anyone can get with almost no serious check) -- and then use that as ID for just about anything except getting into bars and clubs. I believe identity stealing is such an issue in the US in part because of that (I had only heard of it once or twice in France).

Besides, now that giant chunks of the Baltic are devoid of oxygen and life
which subsequently gives off more SO2 than all the sewage St. Petersburg
could produce, you might get the idea that the oceans are dying and, well,
when that happens national IDs will be pretty low on the list of concerns.

Oh yeah, and if we survive that we'll roast to death. I do wonder how the field of biometrics will survive the accrued mutation in the human species.

Robin Berjon <robin.berjon@xxxxxxxxx>
Research Engineer, Expway        http://expway.fr/
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