#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Scribot, the irc blogging bot
# version 2.0
# originally based on POE::Component::IRC
# demonstration script by dennis taylor <dennis@funkplanet.com>
# written by leon brocard <acme@astray.com>
# patched by simon wistow <simon@thegestalt.org> to
# - tell the blogger if they're putting a duplicate in
# - allow them to override
# - allow searching
# - be more sane about white space
# - use URI::Find
# - allow the use of , or : or - as ways of addressing the bot
# - no hardcoded stuff (sort of)
# o get rid of the file and make it all DB based
# o fix the web front end to use that
# o add searching on the web frontend
# o store dates and times
# instructions :
# this is a sample session. The comments in [square brackets]
# tell you what was actually stored in the logs. The bot here
# is 'scrinew' and the user is 'muttley' (which is me :)
# <@muttley> scrinew, http://www.foo.com
# [ muttley : http://www.foo.com ]
# <@muttley> scrinew, http://www.foo.com
# < scrinew> Sorry, muttley, That's been blogged before
# [ this also sends a privmessage telling muttley how to override ]
# <@muttley> scrinew, override http://www.foo.com
# [ muttley : http://www.foo.com ]
# <@muttley> scrinew, override http://www.bar.com
# [ muttley : override http://www.bar.com ]
# <@muttley> scrinew, got http://www.foo.com
# < scrinew> that's been blogged 2 times
# <@muttley> scrinew, got http://www.bar.com
# < scrinew> that's been blogged 1 time
# <@muttley> scrinew, got http://www.baz.com
# < scrinew> nope, that's a new one to me
# <@muttley> scrinew, got www.baz.com
# < scrinew> nope, that's a new one to me
# <@muttley> scrinew, got baz.com
# [ muttley : got baz.com ]
# <@muttley> scrinew, override is a word
# [ muttley : override is a word ]
use strict;
use lib '/virtual/astray.com/www/lib/';
use HTML::Entities;
use POE::Kernel;
use POE::Session;
use POE::Component::IRC;
use URI::Find;
use GDBM_File;
use Fcntl qw(O_CREAT O_RDWR);
$| = 1; # no need to buffer STDOUT
# (season to taste)
# these should possibly go in a config file
my $nick = "scrinew"; # the nick of the bot, obviously
my $channel = "#scritest"; # and the channel it will sit on
my $blog = "scribot.blog"; # where the blogging file is
my $urldb = "url.db"; # where the url store will go
my $log = "scribot.log"; # where the log file will go
my $server = "london.rhizomatic.net"; # the irc server
my $DEBUG = 0; # some debugging options
# load all the urls into a hash for fast lookup
# first, we check to see if the file existed before
my $existed = (-f $urldb);
# now we tie the DB to the urls
tie my %urls, 'GDBM_File', $urldb, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0600;
# now, if this is the first time doing this then
# we schlurp the URLS from the blog file into the DB
goto SKIP if ($existed);
open (BLOG, "$blog") || die "Couldn't open '$blog' for reading : $!\n";
while (<BLOG>)
sub {
my($uri, $orig_uri) = @_;
return $uri;
close BLOG;
# open up the log and blog files
open(LOG, "> $log") || die "Couldn't open '$log' for writing : $!\n";
open(BLOG, ">> $blog") || die "Couldn't open '$blog' for appending : $!\n";
select BLOG;
$| = 1; # no need to buffer to the BLOG file
select STDOUT;
# This gets executed as soon as the kernel sets up this session.
sub _start {
my ($kernel, $session) = @_[KERNEL, SESSION];
# Uncomment this to turn on more verbose POE debugging information.
# $session->option( trace => 1 );
# Make an alias for our session, to keep it from getting GC'ed.
$kernel->alias_set( 'smileyninja' );
# Ask the IRC component to send us all IRC events it receives. This
# is the easy, indiscriminate way to do it.
$kernel->post( 'test', 'register', 'all');
# Setting Debug to 1 causes P::C::IRC to print all raw lines of text
# sent to and received from the IRC server. Very useful for debugging.
$kernel->post( 'test', 'connect', { Debug => 0,
Nick => $nick,
Server => $server,
Port => 6667,
Username => $nick,
Ircname => "$channel blogger", }
# After we successfully log into the IRC server, set our nick and join a channel.
sub irc_001 {
my ($kernel) = $_[KERNEL];
$kernel->post( 'test', 'mode', $nick, '+i' );
$kernel->post( 'test', 'join', $channel );
# should probably get rid of this
sub irc_dcc_send {
my ($nick, $port, $file, $size, $done) = @_[ARG0 .. $#_];
printf LOG "DCC SEND to $nick ($file): $done bytes of $size sent. %d%%\n",
($done / $size) * 100;
sub _default {
my ($kernel, $state, $event, $args) = @_[KERNEL, STATE, ARG0, ARG1];
$args ||= [];
print LOG "$state -- $event @$args\n" if ($DEBUG);
# munge the From name
my $from = $args->[0];
$from =~ s|!.+$||;
# and set the person we'll reply to
my $to = $from;
# then grab the body of the text
my $text = $args->[2] || "";
# if we're being karmad then randomly karma the person back
if ($text =~ /^\s*$nick\+\+/)
show($kernel, $channel, $from . "++ # hey, thanks yourself!") if (rand() < .5);
# no privmsging - all blogging must be done in private
return unless $event eq 'irc_public';
# ignore everything that's not addressed to us
return unless $text =~ /^\s*$nick\s*[,:-]/;
# return if it's one of the bots, or ourselves
# this should be in a config file
return if $from eq $nick;
return if $from eq 'dipsy';
return if $from eq 'dadadodo';
return if $from eq 'lala';
# remove our nick from the start of the line
$text =~ s/^\s*$nick\s*:?,?-?\s?\s*//;
# now see if it starts with override or got which
# are our commands. This shoudl probably be rewritten
# to be more easily extensible
$text =~ s/^(override|got\s*)//;
# do we have a command or not
my $command = $1 || "";
$to = "$channel";
# $text =~ s/\?$//; # remove a question mark from the end of the line
print LOG "got from $from: $text\n" if ($DEBUG);
# state variables
my $seenbefore = 0;
my $goturl = 0;
# check to see if there's a url on the line
# this fails if there are two URIs on the line
# c'est la vie, patches to fix this welcome
sub {
my($uri, $orig_uri) = @_;
$goturl++; # indicate that there's a URL (I really hate the URI::Find interface)
$seenbefore = $urls{$uri}; # and work out how many we've seen before
# don't inc the number of times we'e seen this if ...
# - we've seen it before and the command is empty (i.e not overriding)
# - we're searching
$urls{$uri}++ unless (($command eq "" && $seenbefore) || $command =~ /^got/);
return $orig_uri;
# if we're searching and there *was* a URI on the line ...
if ($command =~ /^got/ && $goturl)
# construct a message and send it back
my $message;
if ($seenbefore) {
$message = "that's been blogged $seenbefore time";
$message .= "s" if ($seenbefore>1);
} else {
$message = "nope, that's a new one to me";
show($kernel, $channel, "$message");
# if we're not overriding and we've seen it before, reject it
} elsif ($seenbefore && $command !~ /^override/) {
# send a message to channel
show($kernel, $channel, "Sorry, $from, That's been blogged before");
# and privmsg them with instructions
$kernel->post('test', 'privmsg', $from, 'You can tell me to put it in anyway by saying "override '.$text.'"');
} else {
# we've seen it before (but we're obviously overriding)
if ($seenbefore)
$command = ""; # blank the command
$text =~ s/^\s*//; # remove whitespace from the start of the text
# blog it with reinserted command
# this is so that we can write 'override $url' or 'override is a word'
# and if the url hasn't been seen before then it just works
print BLOG "$from: $command$text\n";
# munge the text for length and stuff
sub show {
my($kernel, $what, $text) = @_;
if (not $text) {
$text = $what;
$what = $channel;
chomp $text;
$text =~ s|\n| / |g;
if ($what =~ /^#/ and length($text) > 60) {
$text = substr($text, 0, 70);
$text .= '...';
} elsif (length($text) > 400) {
$text = substr($text, 0, 400);
$text .= '...';
$kernel->post('test', 'privmsg', $what, $text);
sub _stop {
my ($kernel) = $_[KERNEL];
print LOG "Control session stopped.\n";
$kernel->post( 'test', 'quit', 'Neenios on ice!' );
$kernel->alias_remove( 'smileyninja' );
sub irc_disconnected {
my ($server) = $_[ARG0];
print LOG "Lost connection to server $server.\n";
sub irc_error {
my $err = $_[ARG0];
print LOG "Server error occurred! $err\n";
sub irc_kick {
my ($who, $where, $isitme, $reason) = @_[ARG0 .. ARG4];
print LOG "Kicked from $where by $who: $reason\n" if $isitme eq $nick;
# here's where execution starts.
# Change this '0' to '1' for lots of debugging information.
POE::Component::IRC->new( 'test' ) or
die "Can't instantiate new IRC component!\n";
POE::Session->new( 'main' => [qw(_start _stop _default irc_001 irc_kick
irc_disconnected irc_error irc_dcc_send)] );
exit 0;
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