These are the final designs of the T-shirts that are getting printed up
T-shirts are 10 pounds each
Alternative payment methods are being sought after the whole furor about these t-shirts so bear with us. Email me if you have any questions.
We're sorry but we can only take cheques in pounds sterling. It's just not worth taking them.
Just a quick note : these are NOT official, YAPC::Europe or Y.A.S (Yet Another Society) tshirts, neither are they funded by them.
Since even the idea of any profits going to YAPC::Europe is distasteful to some people alternative methods of payment are being sought and the profits will go elsewhere (I haven't decided where yet)
Read back over the posts about this in any of the newsgroups that this turned up on. Really read them. Realise that this was taken an eensey, weensey bit far. Then chill
You can also email questions to
which is by Ade Ward
nu meeja what?! (all your questions answered)The other designs under consideration are archived here
In the UK '$foo is my bitch' isn't nearly as offensive as some people have told us that it is in the states. Vive la difference