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* Tony Finch <dot@xxxxx.xx> [2006-10-27 18:25]: > It proposes that introductory programming languages should use > less confusing symbols, such as U+00D7 MULTIPLICATION SIGN > instead of * and U+2190 LEFT ARROW for assignment. Never mind > the fact that it's a struggle to even type the things, Look, a multiplication sign! × ← Over there! I dunno. It remains more work to type, even if your editor isn't dumber than technology from the stone age of personal computing, but I spend a lot more time poring over code (and if it's just code that I wrote 5 minutes ago) then I spend typing it. As long as there's some restraint and the matter isn't taken to APL-esque absurdity, the argument for better operator characters isn't so plainly stupid. It would be nice if someday using a computer didn't mean suffering bad typography. In fact, not even monospace fonts are necessarily sacred. They are currently necessary if you want to align blocks of text across multiple lines, but that could easily be achieved with proportional fonts by employing a scheme similar to elastic tabstops (<http://nickgravgaard.com/elastictabstops/>). I'm not sure this can be implemented well without knowledge of the document format, though, so it might not be feasible in a generic editor. Realistically, currently, one has to accept that computers suck and stick with monospace fonts and ASCII operators... Regards, -- Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>There's stuff above here
Generated at 15:23 on 30 Oct 2006 by mariachi 0.52