[london.food] Mushroom savoury rice

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: [london.food] Mushroom savoury rice
Date: 23:09 on 27 Jul 2003
Take 350g mushrooms and cut off the stems.  Chop the stems very finely
and saute them with chopped onion in olive oil.  Meanwhile slice the
mushroom caps.

Put the sauteed mixture into a rice cooker with 2 measures rice, the
sliced mushroom caps, mushroom ketchup (see separate post) to taste (I
used about 1 1/2 Tbsp and should have doubled it), a slosh of
extra-virgin olive oil, a squeeze of squeezy mixed herbs, and 2 1/2
measures of water.

Cook as usual for your rice cooker.


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