Re: [] Mushroom savoury rice

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: Re: [] Mushroom savoury rice
Date: 10:07 on 01 Aug 2003
On Sun 27 Jul 2003, Kate L Pugh <kake@xxxxx.xx> wrote:
> Take 350g mushrooms and cut off the stems.  Chop the stems very finely
> and saute them with chopped onion in olive oil.  Meanwhile slice the
> mushroom caps.
> Put the sauteed mixture into a rice cooker with 2 measures rice, the
> sliced mushroom caps, mushroom ketchup (see separate post) to taste (I
> used about 1 1/2 Tbsp and should have doubled it), a slosh of
> extra-virgin olive oil, a squeeze of squeezy mixed herbs, and 2 1/2
> measures of water.

I can now report that this is also good with a few (cooked)
(vegetarian) sausages sliced up in it, and some roasted vegetables on
the side.


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