Re: [] Breakfast at the bus stop

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From: Tom Sulston
Subject: Re: [] Breakfast at the bus stop
Date: 11:24 on 01 Aug 2003
On Friday, Aug 1, 2003, at 11:13 Europe/London, Kate L Pugh wrote:

>> Make thin french toast, and top with mozzarella and boquerones, 
>> melting
>> the one onto the other. Squish two slices together for a satisfyingly
>> salty lardy brekkie. :-)
> Oooh.  I've never had boquerones, but google tells me that they're
> fresh anchovy fillets in vinegar.  That sounds ace.  Where do I get 
> them?

Yes - they're the white fillets that taste lemoney and sharp and are a 
far cry from the horrible brown salty things that you find on pizzas. 
Absolutely delicious.

They're pretty easy to find, now that Spanish food is dead trendy. 
Brindisa (Borough Mkt, and a shop on Exmouth Market) have the best ones 
I've found. Even Sainsbury's sell them now, mind. And you could 
probably get them at Selfridges or Fortnums or the like. Although the 
best place I ever found was the little Italian butcher's on Theobalds 
Road (Holborn), which was selling them at 15UKP per kilo.

Mind, since the oil spill off the Spanish coast last year, prices have 
nearly tripled: ISTR that Brindisa had them priced at 4.50 for 100g at 
retail. Which is harsh, to say the least...

But they're brilliant on just about everything. Especially just on 
plain brown toast... Mmmm...

Tom Sulston
+44 77 99 89 80 44

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