Re: [] Breakfast at the bus stop

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: Re: [] Breakfast at the bus stop
Date: 10:05 on 01 Aug 2003
On Fri 25 Jul 2003, Kate L Pugh <kake@xxxxx.xx> wrote:
> Up to a quarter of my new commute is "waiting for the 295".  I don't
> like walking straight after I've eaten.  I decided to solve these two
> problems in one by eating my breakfast at the bus stop, and it seems
> to be working so far.  I need more ideas for things to eat though.

Nobody has any suggestions?

I made this the other evening, and it seems to work as a sandwich
filling.  I had it with tomatoes yesterday and mustard today.

Steam some broccoli until cooked, and some waxy potatoes until partly
cooked.  Chop the broccoli finely and grate the potatoes.  Mix with
eggs, grated cheese, chopped ham, seasoning to taste.  Butter a baking
tray, spread the mixture over, dot more butter on top.  Bake until
browned on top.

It's kind of like hash browns with extra stuff in, I suppose.  It'd be
good as part of a more traditional breakfast.


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