[london.food] Breakfast at the bus stop

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: [london.food] Breakfast at the bus stop
Date: 09:30 on 25 Jul 2003
Up to a quarter of my new commute is "waiting for the 295".  I don't
like walking straight after I've eaten.  I decided to solve these two
problems in one by eating my breakfast at the bus stop, and it seems
to be working so far.  I need more ideas for things to eat though.

They must be:

 * easily portable
 * quick to make (I want to make my breakfast in the morning so I can have
   what I want rather than what I guessed the previous night I might want)
 * quick to put away when I see the bus coming
 * not too smelly in case I end up finishing it on the bus
 * easy to eat with one hand (so nothing that needs a fork, for example)
 * breakfast-like (to be sufficiently distinguishable from lunch)

Things I've had so far are:

 * sausage and potato waffle sandwich
 * scrambled egg and smoked salmon sandwich
 * char siu pao (steamed buns with barbecue pork)


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