Re: [] Breakfast at the bus stop

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: Re: [] Breakfast at the bus stop
Date: 10:01 on 06 Aug 2003
On Fri 01 Aug 2003, Leon Brocard <> wrote:
> I tend to have breakfast in my flat instead.

I might have breakfast at home more often if we had a proper kitchen
table.  I'd buy one but my next house might not have space for it.
What I really want is something that can be either a kitchen table or
a desk or a patio table, for maximum furniture-flexibility.

> I've been having a lot of croissants and pain-au-chocolat recently,

Pain-au-chocolate good, but nicer warm than cold, and definitely nicer
accompanied by coffee.  I had a croissant with a slice of ham in this
morning, because I woke up late (6:20) and had to make something to
take along v quickly.  It was nice though and has got me through to
10am (3 hours after I ate it) without me feeling peckish again.  I
could eat another one right now though.


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