Re: [] Breakfast at the bus stop

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From: Leon Brocard
Subject: Re: [] Breakfast at the bus stop
Date: 21:28 on 01 Aug 2003
Kate L Pugh sent the following bits through the ether:

> Nobody has any suggestions?

Not really, there are 4 buses which go down my street so I almost
never wait for them. Or I cycle. Or walk.

I tend to have breakfast in my flat instead. There's this great stall
in Portobello which makes olive and feta breads which are lovely, but
that's only useful if you live near me I imagine.

I've been having a lot of croissants and pain-au-chocolat recently,
but I blame Paris for that. One weird thing which I like is a baguette
with a blue Yorkie inside. Obviously evil but quite nice.

Weirdly if I cycle in then I tend to have breakfast near work instead
as it gives me time to wind down and drink fluids. Benugos do nice

Oh, and I still love brioche, Leon
Leon Brocard.............................

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