Re: [] Bacon grease

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From: Tom Sulston
Subject: Re: [] Bacon grease
Date: 10:38 on 14 Aug 2003
On Thursday, Aug 14, 2003, at 10:29 Europe/London, Martin Frost wrote:

>> Hmm. My experience of fat with bits of any sort in it is that it looks
>> good on top but goes mouldy underneath the surface, so one sticks in a
>> knife and gets an 'orrible decayed-meat smell. Fat skimmed off the top
>> of stock will keep for _ages_, though.
> This is true. If you're going to use it the next day then the bits
> are fine (just as it would be fine to put cooked meat in the fridge
> and eat it the next day). If you're going to leave it for a week
> then sieve it as finely as possible.

... or freeze it, which works very well. (I do this with duck, which 
oozes out an imperial fuckload of fat when being griddled)

Also: you can get the fatty ends of bacon from butchers, which are 
easily rendered down with a little water...

Best use: roast potatoes. Oh yes. Mmm. crispy roast potatoes...

Tom Sulston
+44 77 99 89 80 44

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