Re: [] Bacon grease

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From: Greg McCarroll
Subject: Re: [] Bacon grease
Date: 11:08 on 16 Aug 2003
* Kate L Pugh (kake@xxxxx.xx) wrote:
> I've been doing bacon in a ridged pan on top of the stove.  I prefer
> back bacon, but Richard and Mark have a freezer stash of streaky.
> I've noticed that the streaky bacon gives off quite a lot of fat and
> was wondering if there's any way of using this to flavour other stuff.
> I mean, it comes out of bacon; it must have flavour, right?  Any hints?

The simple option is just go fry something else afterwards, potato bread
is good, or just a plain old fried slice of bread is also nice. Your
only problem is a ridge pan, so maybe push the bread down to soak up
the juice or just use mushrooms and ignore the bread idea.

The secret of making a great fry is all about how you use the juices
from different things.


Greg McCarroll               

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