Re: [] Food delivery services

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From: Juliet Kemp
Subject: Re: [] Food delivery services
Date: 11:36 on 10 Sep 2003
On Tue, Sep 09, 2003 at 12:04:23AM +0100, Kate L Pugh wrote:
> Arthur mentioned on IRC today that he's had a delivery from
> and was very pleased.  What food delivery services do you all recommend,
> and why?

We get a veg box from
every week, have done for the last couple of years, & like them.  For 2
of us, the small veg box is plenty, although that's allowing for the
fact that we quite often wind up eating out/eating in a hurrah & thus
only having plain pasta & thus not using up veg.  

They send you stuff that's in season, & sourced vaguely locally.  I find
it quite interesting to wind up with random foodstuffs that you have to
work out what to do with.  

You can also order loads of other stuff along with your
weekly/fortnightly order (food, but also wine, organic cleaning stuff,
various other bits & bobs, etc).  They've always been pretty reliable. 


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