Re: [] Food delivery services

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: Re: [] Food delivery services
Date: 12:26 on 10 Sep 2003
On Tue, Sep 09, 2003 at 12:04:23AM +0100, Kate L Pugh said:
> Arthur mentioned on IRC today that he's had a delivery from
> and was very pleased.  What food delivery services do you all recommend,
> and why?

I've always liked the idea of getting food delivered but never really 
got into it. Mark used to get a huge order every few months - 50 packets 
of Noodles etc etc and that seemed to work for him but I tend to go 
shopping when I have a specific meal in mind or when I'm looking for 
inspiration both of which would render delivery useless.

I always wished there were fish and meat delivery vans and mobile green 
grocers like the ones that used to go to my Grandma's house in the Fens.

Speaking fo fish mongers - does anybody know a good one, preferably near 
Islington? I know plenty of good butchers but I'd really like to learn 
how to cook wiht fish properly - particularly scallops and mullet (or 
something suitable for Goan fish curry). Plus I'd like to try and do the 
crab with chilli and parsely I had in Cornwall.


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