Re: [] Pizza recommendations for Islington

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From: Simon Batistoni
Subject: Re: [] Pizza recommendations for Islington
Date: 12:12 on 11 Sep 2003
On 11/09/03 11:47 +0100, Simon Wistow wrote:
> There's the palce right next to Sorrento on St Paul's Road which is 
> called, umm, something. Wood burning oven and wafer thing crusts.
> Base pizza are also not bad. And some people swear by Deliverance 
> although I'm ambiguous.

Not what was asked for really, but for the more American-style pizza,
we tend to use Papa John's these days. Less greasy and stodgy than
Sorrento, and with the killer advantage of a good website you can
order from, thus negating the need to speak to a human being at
all. Geeks, eh?

> For east in there's Strada and La Porchetta on Upper Street and I think 
> Carluccio's probably serve pizza. And if you're in the mood for 
> something a little different then Taruf, near to The Screen on the 
> Green, do Alscacian Tarte Flambee, a sort of flat pizza with a slightly 
> seeter cheese. It's difficult to explain but it's lovely.

There's La Forchetta near the Business Design Centre too, which some
people swear by for eat-in; preferrable to La Porchetta as I
understand it. And, of course, Oregano, who do very nice Italian
pizza, and are tucked up a little side street between Reckless Records
and Masala Zone. 

La Porchetta seem to be expanding - they're opening a new branch soon
on Roseberry Avenue, towards the bottom of Amwell Street, in the
building that was a Chez Gerard until recently.

> I would have thought the Alsacien restaurant would have thrived, but it 
> folded. And the Masala Zone, excellent in its Carnaby Street 
> incarnation, wasn't nearly as impressive in Islington. Seems to be quite 
> empty a lot of the time (except the one time I've been). 

When I went the food was... nice, but a little bland, especially for
curry. The service was *appalling* to the point that I refused to
leave a tip.

I very, very rarely don't leave a tip - most of the time, bad service
is more down to the management under-staffing the restaurant than the
staff themselves, who are just regrettably over-worked.

Masala Zone seemed to have twice as many staff as it needed, though,
without any of them actually seeming to do their job. Very odd place.

There's stuff above here

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