Re: [] Pizza recommendations for Islington

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: Re: [] Pizza recommendations for Islington
Date: 11:47 on 11 Sep 2003
On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 11:30:10AM +0100, Kate L Pugh said:
> Where in Islington will deliver me gorgeous real Italian pizza?  Extra
> points if they have anything as delicious as Cucina's oceanica.

There's the palce right next to Sorrento on St Paul's Road which is 
called, umm, something. Wood burning oven and wafer thing crusts.

Base pizza are also not bad. And some people swear by Deliverance 
although I'm ambiguous.

For east in there's Strada and La Porchetta on Upper Street and I think 
Carluccio's probably serve pizza. And if you're in the mood for 
something a little different then Taruf, near to The Screen on the 
Green, do Alscacian Tarte Flambee, a sort of flat pizza with a slightly 
seeter cheese. It's difficult to explain but it's lovely.

Speaking of that are aof Upper Street - the old Sun and Doves (between 
the Screen and Rocket Records) which later became the Alscacien 
restaurant by the same people who did Belgo and then later turned into a 
Masala Zone. I think it may be jinxed.

I would have thought the Alsacien restaurant would have thrived, but it 
folded. And the Masala Zone, excellent in its Carnaby Street 
incarnation, wasn't nearly as impressive in Islington. Seems to be quite 
empty a lot of the time (except the one time I've been). 

It would of course fit in with Anthony "Kitchen Confidential" Bourdain's 
theory that sites just be associated with bad/failing restaurants.

the illusion of knowledge without any of the difficult bits  

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