Re: [] wild boar bacon

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From: Martin Frost
Subject: Re: [] wild boar bacon
Date: 13:31 on 22 Sep 2003
Bob Walker wrote:

> Yesterday i had some wild boar bacon. It was very intense. full of flavour
> perhaps a bit to salty for me. I did wonder if it was only so intense
> because im used to supermarket bacon, which is normally quite bland.
> This will hopefully be put to the trest when i get orund to trying the
> other bacon i bought from borough market.

Dry-cure bacon will always taste more intense than wet-cure bacon.
If it's smoked you'll also find a chewy edge to it where it was
properly smoked rather than just immersed in smoke flavouring.

> While im here whats the best way to fry mushrooms? When i did some
> yesterday they ended up far to crisp for my liking

If they're going too crisp, then reduce the heat and do them
in a saucepan with a lid. This means that the moisture that is
released by the mushrooms is retained to avoid them drying out.
This also helps if you want to do them in butter or with garlic, as
butter or garlic tend to burn in an open pan or over a high heat.


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