Re: [] Cafe Mocha

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: Re: [] Cafe Mocha
Date: 23:21 on 27 Sep 2003
On Fri, 26 Sep 2003 23:41:38 +0100, Kate L Pugh wrote:
>> 2 teaspoons of Green & Black's hot chocolate mix (chocolate *gravel*),
>> about an inch of soya milk, freshly-brewed coffee.  Mix.  Mmmmmmmm.

On Sat 27 Sep 2003, Natalie Ford <> wrote:
> That was yummy.  [...]  I am considering trying it with instant coffee...

Glad you liked it!  I thought it was almost too obvious to post, and
then I realised that it had taken me nearly a decade of
good-coffee-drinking to think of it.  For a change, try adding one of
the following.  These are good in plain hot chocolate too.

 - a pinch of ground cinnamon
 - a *small* pinch of chilli powder
 - a slug of Baileys (no good for Nat or Juliet, sorry :) )
 - a clove or two (careful not to swallow them)


There's stuff above here

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