[london.food] Fish

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: [london.food] Fish
Date: 15:10 on 29 Sep 2003
Some men came around in a van selling fish today.  They said they were
from "North Shields" and did seem a bit dodgy - they didn't want me to
put a payable-to name on the cheque and they asked if I could give
them as much as possible of the cost in cash.  Fish looked fine
though.  I have 5lb each of salmon and tuna, and 4lb each of john
dory, monkfish, plaice, sea bass and er I think haddock.  (The man
helped me make a list of what I had and how to identify it but it's
downstairs.)  That cost 290 quid.  Is that a good price?  It didn't
seem unreasonable.  I haven't checked the weights though.

So (a) good fish recipes welcomed,
   (b) anyone else heard of these people?


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