Re: [] Cumin

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From: Joel Bernstein
Subject: Re: [] Cumin
Date: 01:54 on 23 Oct 2003
On Wed, Oct 22, 2003 at 08:17:26PM +0100, Kate L Pugh wrote:
> Anyone got good recipes that use a hell of a lot of cumin?  Because, well,
> I *have* a hell of a lot of cumin.  Ground or whole, it doesn't matter.

I've made goulash-type stew with *tons* of cumin seeds. Really yummy,
especially with cold sour cream on top.
> I don't mean curries that use a measley tablespoon of the stuff, either.

How about cumin biscuits? Nice with savoury toppings...

Cumin biscuits 

145 g (scant 1 1/2 cups) flour 
1 egg 
A pinch of salt 
2 g (1 tsp.) ground cumin 
Olive oil  

Makes 4 individual cumin breads.

In a bowl, mix together the flour, egg, salt, 70 ml (5 tbsp.) water and
cumin, kneading well. 
Divide the dough into 4 balls (1 per person), each about 3 cm (1 1/4")
in diameter. Cover with a damp cloth and let rest at room temperature
for 30 minutes. 
Roll out each ball on an oiled surface, stretching the edges gently to
make them as thin as possible. 
Dust with flour and fold the dough into an accordion shape, then roll
the dough up on itself like a snail. Let rest another 15 minutes. 
Using a rolling pin, flatten each piece of dough into a disk 5 mm (1/4")
Heat a little oil in a skillet and cook one dough disk for 3 to 4
minutes. When nicely browned, turn it and cook on the other side. Repeat
the procedure for the remaining three disks. 

> Kake


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