Re: [] Cumin

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: Re: [] Cumin
Date: 23:37 on 22 Oct 2003
On Wed 22 Oct 2003, Natalie Ford <> wrote:
> No recipes, but I have recently found out that there is evidence that 
> cumin is good vs. M.S.!  ;-)

This is my cue to invent you a recipe :)  I'm thinking some kind of fake
vegetarian sausages.  Suggestions welcome.

Natalie's gluten-free, so my first idea - cooked mashed
borlotti/crabeye/pinto beans (any one of the preceding) mixed with
semolina, onion, garlic, tomato, and a fried seasoning paste made of
ground and whole roasted cumin - is going to need a bit of tweaking.
Perhaps replacing the semolina with mashed potatoes would do the trick.

Nat, do you know how much cumin is needed to have a beneficial effect?
Is it of the order of teaspoons, tablespoons, or only huge doses via
extracts of some kind?


There's stuff above here

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