Re: [] Delia (was: Cumin)

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: Re: [] Delia (was: Cumin)
Date: 00:24 on 23 Oct 2003
On Thu 23 Oct 2003, Simon Batistoni <> wrote:
> Bleh. Delia's one of those weird recipe-writers, in that most of her
> recipes are so prosciptive and prescriptive (yes, at the same time)
> that it takes all of the fun and creativity out of cooking.
> [...]
> "exactly 1 minute"? Bollocks, Delia.

Oh, gosh, I just ignore that stuff.  She writes recipes that work, and
taste good.  I just skim over the over-precise bits, and rewrite any
recipes that I pass on.


There's stuff above here

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