Re: [] Delia (was: Cumin)

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From: Roger Burton West
Subject: Re: [] Delia (was: Cumin)
Date: 10:20 on 23 Oct 2003
On Thu, Oct 23, 2003 at 12:21:39AM +0100, Simon Batistoni wrote:

>Bleh. Delia's one of those weird recipe-writers, in that most of her
>recipes are so prosciptive and prescriptive (yes, at the same time)
>that it takes all of the fun and creativity out of cooking.

Agreed, but it's very easy to steal her ideas. I usually strip out all
the ornamentation before I try to make the things.

Big Secret of cookery wot I discovered: if you're careful (a) not to add
too much of things (especially herbs) and (b) not to overcook things and
let them burn, it's quite hard to produce something nasty. :-) Once I
realised this, I started to experiment big-time...


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