Re: [] Cumin

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From: Natalie Ford
Subject: Re: [] Cumin
Date: 09:52 on 23 Oct 2003
On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 23:37:46 +0100, Kate L Pugh wrote:
> Natalie's gluten-free

Well, wheat, dairy and chilli free.  I can eat oats and barley which have 
gluten in them...  ;-)

> Nat, do you know how much cumin is needed to have a beneficial effect?
> Is it of the order of teaspoons, tablespoons, or only huge doses via
> extracts of some kind?

No, sorry, not sure.  I have been feeling better, though, since I have 
been eating a lot more curry...

(yay, broadband!)

There's stuff above here

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