[london.food] [RECIPE] Steamed Fish with Thai Dressing

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From: Billy Abbott
Subject: [london.food] [RECIPE] Steamed Fish with Thai Dressing
Date: 23:26 on 08 Nov 2003
I am currently on a mission to eat more fish, as I never seem to. Anyway,
I bought a random gifty book from a card shop called "How to drink wine
out of fish heads while cooking lobster in a Volswagen hub cap" and tried
one of its recipes.

Some fillets of fish. The rest of the ingredients are based on a 2 person
dish, so get 2 peoples worth of fish...the recipe says red snapper, but
they didn;t have any at the market, so i got some sea bass as the nice
man reccomended it, even if it was to maximise his profits...)
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp fish sauce

1 or 2 cloves of garlic, chopped
1 tbsp chopped coriander
1 tbsp chopped basil
1 tbsp chopped ginger
1 tbsp chopped spring onions
1 tbsp chopped red chillis
2 tbsp fish sauce
juice of 1 lime

(the recipe in the book also asks for 1 tbsp of chopped lemon grass [which
i forgot to buy] and 4 fresh lime leaves [which i couldn't find in the
wonder that is ealing broadway])

anyway, chop the fish into bite size pieces, and marinade them in the oil
and fish sauce for ten minutes.
Then steam it until done.

while it's steaming, mix the other bits up in a bowl - make them as coarse
or fine as you like, it's going to go on top of the fish as it is.

when the fish is done, put it on a plate and pour over the sauce/dressing.

i couldn't think of what to have it with, so i put a bit of bread in the
bottom of a bowl, and put the fish and sauce on top. after eating a bit of
the fish, i rolled the whole lot up and ate it kebab stylee...it was
really rather good.

Anway, i had a fishy carcass left over, and now i have some fish stock -
anyone got any good recipes that i can use to expand my knowledge of fish
and also use up the stock?


 Billy Abbott                     billy at cowfish dot org dot uk

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