Re: [] Chr*stm*s d*nn*r

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From: Lucy McWilliam
Subject: Re: [] Chr*stm*s d*nn*r
Date: 19:03 on 18 Nov 2003
On Mon, 17 Nov 2003, Kate L Pugh wrote:

> Er, that's as far as I've got, actually.  Has anyone got any really
> fabulous vegetable dishes that I should try out?  I'm still not much
> of a meat-eater really, so I'd like to make the vegetable dishes
> sufficient on their own.  I want to make at least seven of them.

Mashed veg used to be traditional for my family.  Sprouts with cinnamon
and carrots with nutmeg - or was it the other way round?  Mash with some


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