[london.food] Interesting food shops

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: [london.food] Interesting food shops
Date: 22:10 on 18 Nov 2003
I just clicked on this link:

It's crazy that OpenGuides only knows of seven places in London to buy
interesting food.  I invite you all to add some pages about your
favourite interesting food shops.  Either that or post something here
and indicate (a) that you'd be happy for me to transfer it to OpenGuides,
and (b) how you'd like to be attributed for it.

I'm particularly interested to know if anyone can tell me the rough
location of the shop I spotted months ago somewhere between Liverpool
Street Station and Brick Lane.  It was closed when I walked past it,
but I did notice that it sold Martin Pitt's freedom farm eggs, which
gives me hope that it might sell other ethically-sound/interesting
stuff.  I work just off Brick Lane now, you see, and I want to know
which directions to explore in.  I just can't seem to find this place
again, and Google isn't helping.


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