Re: [] recipe: thai curry

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From: Marna Gilligan
Subject: Re: [] recipe: thai curry
Date: 22:09 on 21 Nov 2003
On Fri, 21 Nov 2003, Billy Abbott wrote:

[lots of stuff about green curry]
When I make it, I tend to use garlic as well. Heat that up with the onion
and the chilli, and then throw the curry paste in the pan too, and heat
until it *just* starts to smell (and no longer, unless you want to choke
horribly). Pull it off the heat as soon as you smell burning chilli
threatening and throw in some stock.

I usually add the coconut in the last few minutes. I find it tends to go
all curdley and lumpy if it cooks for too long. That might just be a
feature of the milk I usually use.

I like green curry with mushroom and sliced eggplant. Or yellow curry with
potato and tomato. 

What paste and coconut milk do you use? I tend to get the ones I want from
Colindale or thai shops - I can't repeat the brands I like best, though,
because they don't have english written on them. 

I usually throw in a smidgen of sugar, at some point in the making. And a
squidge of soy sauce for salty goodness.


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