[london.food] recipe: thai curry

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From: Billy Abbott
Subject: [london.food] recipe: thai curry
Date: 21:21 on 21 Nov 2003
any improvements gratefully received - i;ve only made this a couple fo

if i want to stick fish in, i'd guess that chucking it in a few minutes
before serving would be the way?

1/2 a large onion (or 1 small to medium one, or just "some onion")
1 chilli (adjust for hotness of curry paste/your taste)
2 tbsp red/green curry paste
1 red/green pepper (either mix and match based onaste colour, or sticj
with a colour you like)
1 tin of coconut milk
1 stick of lemongrass
half a lime
fish sauce
some meat (i normally use 1 piece of pork fillet from a standard
supermarket packet, but chicken would work just as well. fish is on my
list of things to try in it)

fry up the onion and chili until the onion softens/goes translucent, chuck
in the pork and curry paste. When the pork is sealed, chuck in the peppers
and coconut milk and bring to a simmer. Bruise and throw in the lemon
grass, squeeze your half a lime in, and then add some fish sauce - i use
about 2-3 tbsp, but thats cos i really like fish sauce, maybe start with 1
and then add if you too like fish sauce. Leave it simmering until the meat
is cooked (30 minutes or so i think), and then serve over rice when it is
thick enough for your likeing (although, it tends to be quite soupy as the
coconut milk doesn't seem to like reducing too much).

potential additions: a handful of cooked prawns thrown in a few minutes
before serving. any other ideas?


"The sky was the colour of television, tuned to a dead whelk"
 Billy Abbott                     billy at cowfish dot org dot uk

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