Re: [] Christmas dinner report

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From: Juliet Kemp
Subject: Re: [] Christmas dinner report
Date: 18:44 on 23 Nov 2003
On Sun, Nov 23, 2003 at 01:54:05PM +0000, Kate L Pugh wrote:
> Someone else did not quite enough roast potatoes.

There are *never* enough roast potatoes.  Not if I'm eating dinner,

Actually, this is a lie.  On one occasion last year I had Xmas dinner
with friends, & cooked 3.5kg of roast potatoes for 6 of us (as well as
huge stacks of veg, lentil loaf, nut roast, stuffing, etc).  I did,
finally, run out of room before the potatoes were finished, for the
first time in recorded history.  However, we then had a little rest &
watched Monty Python whilst finishing off the rest of the wine, & an
hour or so later I found enough space to polish off the leftovers.

Um.  Possibly, however, I am just a greedy pig.  But, y'know, *roast


(Pete is currently cooking roast dinner downstairs, with lentil-burgers
as meat-replacement.  Hurrah.)

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