[london.food] drunken sausages

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: [london.food] drunken sausages
Date: 17:55 on 24 Nov 2003
You will need:
Red Wine
Frying Pan

This works particulalrly well in improving the quality of cheap sausages 
and produces nice sticky bangers. I'm not entriely sure what it would go 
with I tend to just eat them on their own, maybe on top of toast or a 
nice thick slick of crusty white.

Basically, the technique is very simple - cook sausages in wine. I tend 
to do this on Sunday mornings when I've got about a glass of Red left 
and about 6 sausages.

Simply heat the pan up to a medium temperature and chuck the sausages 
in. After about 30 seconds to a minute, when they've just started to 
catch, chuck in a slug of wine and let that sizzle. When it's all gone, 
chuck in some more. Repeat, lather, rinse. 

For some reason this seems to cook sausages a lto faster than normal 
frying, presumably because they get steamed as well as fried. They come 
out tasting slightly sweeter and slightly curranty and deliciosuly 
sticky. Did I mention the sticky? I love sticky susages.

i try not to let pedantry get in the way of a glib remark

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