Re: [] Useful items

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From: Arthur Bergman
Subject: Re: [] Useful items
Date: 10:40 on 27 Nov 2003
On Wednesday, November 26, 2003, at 07:41  pm, Kate L Pugh wrote:

> What useful condiments/ingredients have joined your repertoire in the
> last, say, year or so?
> One of mine is definitely the squeezy tubes of chopped fresh herbs
> that you keep in the freezer and use directly from the freezer.  I'm
> always suspicious of the ones that live in the fridge - well, my
> fridge at least - because I can never remember how long it's been
> since I opened them.
> Kake

I must say most helpful for me has Food Ferry been, they always bring 
high quality stuff and are very friendly. Not having much time and not 
knowing London that well I still get good stuff.


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