Re: [] Useful items

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From: Juliet Kemp
Subject: Re: [] Useful items
Date: 15:38 on 27 Nov 2003
On Thu, Nov 27, 2003 at 02:42:30PM +0000, Natalie Ford wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Nov 2003 11:58:35 +0000, Juliet Kemp wrote:
> > On Wed, Nov 26, 2003 at 08:57:49PM +0000, Natalie Ford wrote:
> >>  - Sainsburys dairy free spread/marg (did you know that even the non 
> >>  buttery Flora has buttermilk in it?).
> > Do Sainsburys do an own-brand one?
> They do.  That is the one I use.

Hmm.  I might try bugging the manager of the Sains Local about it.  They
might be more prepared to stock their own-brand than Pure.  

> > I've taken to making my own hummous more often as well now, so tahini
> > has become a cupboard staple.  This is not a foodstuff, but I have also
> > discovered the Wonders Of The Hand-Held Blender, which is particularly
> > good both for hummous & for soups (after we went through 3 regular
> > blenders in about 6 months by cracking the jug pouring hot soup into
> > it).  
> I may have to resurrect my hand blender - what receptacle do you use?  If 
> I use a bowl I plaster the kitchen with chickpeas...

Just a big bowl.  The hand-blender I have appears to be good at not
sloshing things everywhere.  As long as I remember to put it down firmly
before switching it on.  It's magic: you put it down on chickpeas, you
pick it up & there's hummous there!  Yay!  

> Also, I still prefer the taste of shop bought houmous - any hints or 
> recipes?

Kake's recipe:

I do do the skinning the chickpeas part, & it does seem to make a
difference.  However, I tend not to bother with measuring any more, but
just stick stuff in at random & taste until it's right.  I almost always
want more lemon juice than I first thought.


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