Re: [] Planning ahead, and not planning ahead

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From: Billy Abbott
Subject: Re: [] Planning ahead, and not planning ahead
Date: 22:29 on 30 Nov 2003
On Sun, 30 Nov 2003, Natalie Ford wrote:

> On Sun, 30 Nov 2003 20:40:25 +0000 (GMT), Billy Abbott wrote:
> > frozen "mixed veg" is a crime against humanity
> I agree if you are talking about the pea sized chopped carrots, peas and
> sweetcorn mix, but I buy a really nice broccoli, baby carrot, pea and
> cauliflower mix in Tesco that is quite passable as long as you don't
> overcook it.

the unidentified cubes of various colours was indeed what i was referring
to - however i am intrigued that frozen broccoli works. Last time i bought
an attempted nice bag of mixed veg (which may even have been the carrot,
broccoli and cauliflower you mention) the broccoli disintegrated into a
cloud of green fragments on contact with the water...i shall have to have
a try again, as my fruit intake seems to be entirely satsumas, and my veg
intake entirely from my weekends meals...

the other thing i;m trying at the moment is freezing fresh herbs - thyme
to be exact, i had some left over after making lancashire hotpot this
weekend. i just wrapped up the left overs in a food bag and put it in
the freezer...hopefully it may be alright at a later date.

i used to freeze coriander by blending it with a little bit of chopped
onion, freezing in an ice cube tray and then putting in a bag in the
freezer. I'd then either stick the cube in a hot pan at the point i'd need
coriander, or zap it in the microwave for a couple of moments. result was
variable first time i did it the curry tasted fantastic, from then on it
never really worked right...

hmm. waffley.


marypoppins = (julieAndrews + starship) / mailbox;
 Billy Abbott                     billy at cowfish dot org dot uk

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