Re: [] Planning ahead, and not planning ahead

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From: Billy Abbott
Subject: Re: [] Planning ahead, and not planning ahead
Date: 20:40 on 30 Nov 2003
On Sun, 30 Nov 2003, Kate L Pugh wrote:

> On Fri 21 Nov 2003, Kate L Pugh <kake@xxxxx.xx> wrote:
> > I often don't know when I set off to work in the morning where I
> > will be staying that night.  [...]  I don't generally know very far
> > in advance whether I'm cooking for one, two or three people, and I
> > may also not know what the other people had for supper the previous
> > night.  Everyone will have had a different lunch, at a different time.
> >
> > How on earth do I plan ahead for the evening meal?
> No hints, no advice?  *prod*

don;t plan :)

just make sure you have enough bits knocking around to make a good variety
of stuff, and then see what the consensus is when you get in. And then
remember that YOU'RE doing the cooking, so if someone's complaining they
can go down the chip shop.

it used to be very much like this during my college shared places and in
halls - i used to make sure that i had enough tinned stuff and frozen meat
and veg (only peas, carrots and sweetcorn - frozen "mixed veg" is a
crime against humanity) as well as some random fresh veg that would keep
all week and then take stock of what everyone else was up for on my turns
to cook.

you could also try keeping a stock of frozen part meals? stick em in 1 or
2 portion bags/boxes and then take out as many as you need and top up with
accompaniments as necessary - this is how i eat in the evenings currently.

another one you might like to try (which i'd be surprised if you don't do
already :) is to phone up beforehand, give a list of choices to the
troops, tell them to decide amongst themselves what's being cooked and to
get it out and make it ready for your arrival. You can steam in as the
celebrity chef, lay about you with your ladle, demand gin and then
magically produce food from the part prepared beginning that you have been
provided. That's what I'd do if anyone would listen to me :)


Who would have thought it would take intelligence to understand humour
 Billy Abbott                     billy at cowfish dot org dot uk

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