Re: [] Half way between tomatoes and tomato puree

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From: Nigel Rantor
Subject: Re: [] Half way between tomatoes and tomato puree
Date: 23:42 on 22 Dec 2003
Natalie Ford wrote:
> I seem to remember that there is something that is half way between 
> tomatoes (tinned, maybe) and tomato puree and comes in a jar but I cannot 
> remember what it is called.  I have discovered that tinned tomatoes (or 
> real ones, raw or cooked) are upsetting my tum when I make bolognese and 
> that, if I strain the tin through a sieve, thereby removing the seeds and 
> skins and other non-pulp portions of the tomatoes, I am OK.  Would this 
> jarred product be a better bet for me than the hassle of a sieve and a 
> teaspoon?

Sounds like passata to me, a.k.a 'Seived Red Tomatoes', so sounds like 
just what you're doing already.

> Can anyone think of anything else that might enable me to still 
> enjoy one of my favourite food, while many of my favourite foods are now 
> denied to me (pizza, ice cream, cheese, ...)?
> Thanks in advance, and happy xmas / new year / hanukah (sp?) / holidays...

Likewise, and Bah Humbug! ('cos I like saying it)


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