Re: [] Mackerel

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From: Nigel Rantor
Subject: Re: [] Mackerel
Date: 17:43 on 23 Dec 2003
Tom Sulston wrote:

> On Dec 23, 2003, at 14:39, Nigel Rantor wrote:
>> Any unorthodox suggestions for cooking mackerel? I was going to go for 
>> the rather obvious cook in tinfoil with herds and serve with boiled 
>> tatties and fresh spinach because my brane is tired from doing 
>> christmas shopping.
> By amazing coincidence, I bought a copy of Jane Grigson's Fish Book this 
> lunchtime. She recommends filling the cavity with a gooseberry stuffing, 
> breading and grilling / baking. Which sounds good to me - the fruit 
> should balance out the oilyness of the fish.

Hmm, I have been toying with the idea of stuffing with plums and baking. 
Gooseberry sounds good.

> I like to roast them whole with olive oil and garlic, with whole roast 
> garlic cloves on the side. That's hardly unorthodox, mind.
> Of you could go for a bastard version of Saba shio yaki[1], where you 
> salt it generously, and fry in a skillet, whole or filleted, whatever 
> whacks your bonobo, really. Serve with white rice and a bowl of miso soup.

*drool* yeah, you gotta love yaki food. although no miso right now so 
will skip this one. Pushed on to stack for later.

> In other news: don't try to make gravadlax with it. I tried once, and it 
> was repulsive to the point of inedibility.

Hmm, what made you attempt this? I assume you used smoked mackerel? Are 
we talking retchalicious or just very unpleasant?


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