Re: [] Pepper Sauce

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From: Billy Abbott
Subject: Re: [] Pepper Sauce
Date: 12:47 on 29 Jan 2004
On Thu, 29 Jan 2004, Martin Frost wrote:

> Billy Abbott wrote:
> > How do you make a pepper sauce to go with steak?
> >
> > I've tried a couple of times to make nice creamy pepper sauce, but it's
> > always gone wrong, either not tasting of pepper or steak, seperating or
> > just turning into burnt milk sludge.
> The first thing I discovered is not to use milk. It makes everything
> taste of boiled milk. Also, green peppercorns will give flavour without
> being overwhelmingly hot, which would happen with black ones.

i hvae yet to try milk - my success with reducing things is minimal, so
the thinnest milky product i used is single cream. That still didn;t work

My normal method that i have been playing with is:

1) Fry steak
2) add some form of booze to degalze the pan
3) add green peppercorns and cook for a bit
4) add milky product (tried creme fraiche the other day and it almost
worked, apart from the seperating) and heat a bit

i also ground lots of black pepper into it last time, which seemed to
help the taste, but it still seperated.


Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.
Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound.
 Billy Abbott                     billy at cowfish dot org dot uk

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