Re: [] Pepper Sauce

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From: Marna Gilligan
Subject: Re: [] Pepper Sauce
Date: 13:11 on 29 Jan 2004
On Thu, 29 Jan 2004, Billy Abbott wrote:

> 1) Fry steak
> 2) add some form of booze to degalze the pan
> 3) add green peppercorns and cook for a bit
> 4) add milky product (tried creme fraiche the other day and it almost
> worked, apart from the seperating) and heat a bit
> i also ground lots of black pepper into it last time, which seemed to
> help the taste, but it still seperated.

For any sauce-with-cream, I tend to use the soopah-thick double cream.
It's less prone to separating, I find. Also, I take let the liquid
(usually wine) cool for a few moments before adding the cream.

If you're still having problems, ladle out a bit of the liquid into a bowl
and add the cream to that before mixing it back in with the rest. I have
found this to also work.

I like to make pepper sauce with red wine. Slosh wine into steakish pan,
turn heat right up, throw in pepper - I usually crush mixed peppercorns so
they're still in big bits. Oooh, throw in some halved garlic cloves with
the wine, and fish em out when the sauce is done. Let the wine reduce
down for a few minutes and take off the heat before stirring in the cream.

It doesn't make for a very thick sauce, but is lovely over mash.

Ooh! If you're leaving out the cream, use arrowroot instead of cornflour
for thickening and the sauce remains clear-ish.


There's stuff above here

Generated at 12:15 on 16 Feb 2004 by mariachi 0.41