Re: [] Duck Fat

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From: David Cantrell
Subject: Re: [] Duck Fat
Date: 15:51 on 29 Jan 2004
Nigel Rantor wrote:

> Other than roasting what uses can we put fat to? (I have the horrible 
> feeling that I'm inviting an avalanche of suggestions, but hey...)

Use it in homemade "energy" bars.

David Cantrell |  Reprobate  |

     I guess that, if you're in Microsoft's shoes, it makes sense. If you
     can't write software or protocols that can stably walk and chew gum,
     program in a limit that prevents the user from telling it to do so.
       -- Jonathan Patschke, on limitations in Active Directory

There's stuff above here

Generated at 23:25 on 06 Mar 2004 by mariachi 0.41