Re: [] Duck Fat

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From: Nigel Rantor
Subject: Re: [] Duck Fat
Date: 01:48 on 29 Jan 2004
Kate L Pugh wrote:
> On Thu 29 Jan 2004, Roger Burton West <> wrote:
>>Fat in general, as long as it hasn't got bits in it (sieve), will
>>keep for ages. Freezing is no problem [...]
> I have been freezing my bacon fat, as recommended by this very list.
> It has bits in.  I usually only acquire a teaspoon or two of it at a
> time, and I then top up the little eggcup of it I have in the freezer.
> It's not worth sieving out the bits for such a small amount.

What plans have you for it then? Seems like a lot of trouble to gather? 
Other than roasting what uses can we put fat to? (I have the horrible 
feeling that I'm inviting an avalanche of suggestions, but hey...)


There's stuff above here

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